CREO Face to Face

The CREO Face-to-Face labs take place in safe, welcoming environments that stimulate creativity. Every laboratory lasts around two ours, including a snack.


During labs children access various explorative materials used to develop their projects. There are no more than 15 children per lab. The facilitation team is composed of a lead artist and a co-educator.


Projects developed by the children are captured through various forms of pedagogical documentation. This enables children to view and observe what they create and how they created it.


Labs are appropriate both for pre-school and school aged children.


We are planning our newt CREO Lab .... Stay Tuned!

If you are an expert in a field related to Italian cultural an expressive art and you would like to develop a CREO lab or integrate one in a program, please CONTACT US

Italian Mosaics

Colorful Tiles, Timeless Tales

Immerse yourself in the rich history and tradition of Italian mosaics: from their origins in the Roman Empire to the famous mosaics of Ravenna.  Explore vibrant tiles.  Design and create your own stunning mosaics and wrap it all up with a  beautiful exhibition! 

Laboratorio creators: Andree Bartoli & Laura Perin

Uova di Pasqua Delight

Crafting Italian Chocolate Eggs

Discover the art of Italian Easter Eggs, Italy’s most famous seasonal tradition!   A sweet educational opportunity to dive into the art of Italian Chocolate eggs making with professional Chocolate experts! Workshop participants craft, decorate and wrap their very own Italian artisanal chocolate surprise for Easter.

Laboratorio creators: Yayaz Chocolat

Gelato Amore!

Masterclass in ice cream making with Italian Gelato Chef Matteo Zini


Discover the secrets behind gelato, Italy's favorite frozen delight! Gelato Amore is a deliciously educational opportunity to dive into the art of gelato making with an Italian Gelatiere! During the lab, children learn the history, culture and traditions surrounding gelato. They learn how to make a gelato and they bring home their creations. 

Laboratory creators: Matteo Zini - in collaboration with Zini Gelato Consulting, Iceteam1927 Cattabriga and N2Ice / Clusweety. 

Aqua Dolce Vita

In this workshop children explore the interconnection of water using natural and manmade Italian water sources as examples.They use alternative, explorative methods to illustrate those connections through expressive, contemporary art. Children learn about environmental awareness and water conservation and how to collage using accessible materials.


Laboratory creators: Paolo Apolloni - Universal Love / Galleria Celestia

The Nativity: Create Scenes from the Origins of Christmas

In this special Christams workshop, children learn  a tradition that is close to the heart of all Italiano: the nativity. Children discover the stories surrouding this special day and create their own nativity to give life to this Italian tradition. 

Laboratory creators:  Laura Perin an Donatella Lazzari

Creative Writing


Discover the world of creative writing. Gain and in-depth understanding on how to use poetry as a tool to express yourself, engage others and give life to your feelings, emotions and experiences. 

Laboratory creator:  Iris Franceschini Fera

Unleash your inner architect:

Build Your Own Italian City!

Children turn their Italian city dream into reality! Through this creative lab, children discover the world of design, hone their creativity and craft a miniature Italian city.  Children:

Laboratory creators: Laura Perin and Elena Del Fabbro 

The Shapes of Nature:

Munari's Tree

Inspired by the book Drawing the Tree by Bruno Munari, during this lab children create and explore the tree and all its elements: shape, characteristics, natural composition, its surrounding environment, seasons, and the broader passage of time.


Laboratory creators: Michela Currone e Elena Del Fabbro

The Shapes of Nature:

Munari's Sun 

The lab is inspired by the book: Drawing the Sun by Bruno Munari and his well-known children’s labs. During the laboratory, children learn Italian words and expressions while drawing and experimenting with other artistic techniques and materials.


Laboratory creators: Michela Currone and Elena Del Fabbro

Drawing with the Sound: 

Colors and Shapes

The lab uses sound and music as an inspirational and motivational tool during the creative process. Different sounds and rhythms stimulate different emotions. These can often be expressed through different movements, drawings, shapes, and colors. During the lab children express themselves using the inputs of sound and rhythm.


Laboratory creators: Tommaso Maggio, Michela Currone, and Elena Del Fabbro

Drawing with the Light: 

Lights and Shades

The laboratory is focused on developing basic photography foundation skills. During the lab, children draw and play with the light to understand the relationship between light and shades.


Laboratory creators: Thomas De Cian, Michela Currone, and Elena Del Fabbro